
BNP Paribas Said to Lay Off Handful in Credit Sales, Trading


(Bloomberg) -- BNP Paribas SA let go at least half a dozen employees in New York last week, including its head of US high-yield trading, David Malvern, according to people familiar with the matter. 

Two investment-grade credit traders were also let go, plus two sales employees, said the people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the information is private.

A representative for BNP declined to comment on the departures. Malvern did not respond to requests for comment. 

The exits come after BNP dismissed six members of the emerging-markets team this month, a unit revamped by the French bank just two years ago. Francisco Oliveira, the global co-head of macro and credit, was also let go last month, The Trade reported, after spending two decades at the French bank, according to his LinkedIn page. 

--With assistance from Reshmi Basu.

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