(Bloomberg) -- India’s government moved the release times for gross domestic product and inflation to earlier in the day after analysts said they didn’t have enough time to analyze the figures.
The Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation will release annual and quarterly GDP data at 4 p.m. local time instead of 5:30 p.m., it said in a statement on Friday. Inflation and industrial production figures will also be released at the same time, the ministry said earlier this week.
The moves come after recent government consultations with economists, who recommended the data be released earlier in the day and that more frequent changes are made to update the inflation index.
Bringing forward the publication time for GDP will improve accessibility of the data, the ministry said Friday. It’s due to release GDP estimates for the July-September quarter on Nov 29.
“The move is based on the feedback from the market and is in line with global standards,” said Teresa John, an economist with Nirmal Bang Institutional Equities.
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