'I really thought I was going to die': Richard Branson recounts brush with death

Aug 26, 2016


Virgin Group founder Richard Branson has lived to tell the tale of a recent brush with death.

Recounting a biking accident he endured earlier this week in the British Virgin Islands on his company’s web site, Branson declared: “my life was literally flashing before my eyes.”

The accident, which happened to occur on the fifth anniversary of a 2011 fire that destroyed his Necker Island home, left the 66-year-old magnate with severe damage to his knee, chin and shoulder.

“I really thought I was going to die. I went flying head-first towards the concrete road, but fortunately my shoulder and cheek took the brunt of the impact, and I was wearing a helmet that saved my life,” Branson wrote.

Branson included some grisly images of the accident and his injuries in the post:

Richard Branson receives treatment after his bike accident. (Image courtesy of Virgin.com)

After treatment and home recovery. (Image courtesy of Virgin.com)

Branson appears to be in good spirits, despite the injury. The blog post was peppered with off-the-cuff quips such as his remarks to his assistant upon being rescued: “I’m alive! At least you’ve still got a job!”

He also made reference to previous “brushes with death” in his balloon racing pursuits.

“My attitude has always been, if you fall flat on your face, at least you’re moving forward. All you have to do is get back up and try again. At least I’m practicing what I preach – though a little too literally!” Branson joked.

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