Kudlow says White House begins planning to 're-open' economy


Apr 7, 2020


U.S. President Donald Trump’s top economic adviser said the White House has begun planning how the U.S. can re-open its economy once the coronavirus outbreak abates, after indications the epicenter in New York may have reached a plateau.

“The president would like to reopen the economy as soon as he can and we are planning internally,” Kudlow told Fox News on Tuesday. He said the virus’s spread is the driving force in determining a timeline.

“I am hoping -- as I say, praying -- that we’re only a few weeks away from a reopening. We’ll see,” he said.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said Monday that social distancing practices adopted in the state appear to have leveled off deaths from the virus at fewer than 600 a day, after reaching 630 on Friday.

But state and municipal leaders elsewhere in the country have warned that they have not yet reached the peak of their outbreaks, leaving uncertain when the country could relax the isolation behaviors that have collapsed the U.S. economy.