Number of EI claims jumps 4.4% in July due to changes for hard-hit areas

Sep 22, 2016


OTTAWA - Statistics Canada says the number of people receiving employment insurance payments climbed 4.4 per cent from June to July as changes to extend benefits for those in hard-hit areas kicked in.

The agency says there were 575,200 people receiving regular EI benefits that month.

The federal government changed the rules to extend benefits in 15 regions that saw significant increases in unemployment.

EI claims totalled 307,600 in July, up 33.4 per cent from the same month a year ago due to the changes.

According to Employment and Social Development Canada, the July claims included about 87,000 one-time automatic renewals related to the EI program changes.

Statistics Canada says the changes accounted for almost a quarter of the total volume of claims in July and more than half of the renewal claims.