Pattie Lovett-Reid: Landing your dream job in a tough market

Pattie Lovett-Reid

Chief Financial Commentator, CTV


Jan 5, 2017


Today's business environment is tough when you’re looking for a job or embarking on a new career.

It doesn't help that society puts undeniable pressure on us to conform, chart the safest course and follow the beaten path. But the safest journey isn’t always the smartest one. I've always believed in playing to your strengths, having no regrets and life-long learning. And, at the heart of all of this, is that you have to find your passion in your job search.

While “passion” comes from the Greek word for suffering, today it tends to mean emotion, determination and boundless enthusiasm. Passion will help drive you to your goals and even more important, it will help get you on the road to happiness.

You have heard this before: If you love something or have a true passion for it, it doesn't feel like work because it is so easy to spend time doing it. The best piece of advice I received long ago was, go after what you love and do it. Don't be afraid to try new things, live every moment of your life and your passion will grow from there.


Early on in your career, pick the company that you want to work for. Look for organizations that will allow you to grow, develop and stretch in ways that help nurture that passion. As you progress through your career, you can then shift your strategy and pick the person or team you want to work with.

Rarely do people retire from their first job. But remember, change requires courage and there will be turning points in your career.

Your career may be similar to a screenwriter for a film: In any given story, there are usually two or three pivotal moments that can swing the story in either direction. It isn't right or wrong, however, to think through those decisions so that you find a clear sense of direction. In today's workplace, you have to zig and zag. No one goes straight to the top.

Finally, remove all the barriers holding you back from going after your dream job. Self-belief leads to self- confidence. If you take the time to figure out who you are, what you like and what you value, the odds on finding your passion dramatically increases.

If someone else believes in you – but you don't believe in yourself – then what? If you believe in yourself and no one else does, you can still go on and achieve your goals.

Get excited about 2017. Your career can be a source of pride or a source of frustration; a lifelong adrenaline rush or a source of anxiety. It's your choice.