Sports fans face-off on the FanDom Sports app

Feb 2, 2017


New digital debate platform allows you to vet, vote and win an argument

Blood feuds. Poison pens. Vitriol. Part of the charm of spectator sports is tuning in to the debates between professional pundits, ex-athletes, fans and experts of all stripes.

The topics are heated. Who’s a failure, a self-serving jerk, a saint, a sinner, or just plain sleeper?

Who deserves the MVP award? The conversation is energetic and colourful, to put it mildly. The entertainment value is indisputable.

Sports fans love debates. Every sports fan worthy of the name has joined the fray, sounding off against others with conviction and passion. But whether it’s under the spotlight, in a bar or in the man cave, these debates usually end in a draw, each debater convinced they’re right but without any proof they made the more convincing argument. Until now.

FanDom: Content, curation, and a way to win the debate

FanDom Sports Media Corp. (CSE: FDM) (OTCQB: FDMSF) (Frankfurt: TQ42) is a revolutionary sports app with all the content insatiable sports fans crave, and that’s just where the game begins.

“You won’t come to FanDom to get the score,” says Bill McGraw, tech entrepreneur and President of FanDom Sports. “You come to find out what people are saying about the score and to share your opinions about the game.”

That’s because FanDom Sports is more than a forum for sports debate. It incorporates a unique system for vetting debaters and voting for the veracity of their argument.

How does it work?

First, everyone can come to FanDom Sports and read the debates. However, not just anyone can get in on the debate. You need to earn your status as a ‘profiled contributor’ by submitting your point of view on issues and having fans ‘vote up’ your opinion.

By voting, the community decides if you have wisdom to share, or your thoughts are just ‘noise’ with no intrinsic value.

Reach a certain stature, and you’re allowed to post new debate subjects, and square off against contrary points of view.

Now, other fans begin tracking your debate, and voting on the validity of your points. Gather enough supporters, and you win the debate.

“It’s a wonderful mechanism for getting people’s attention — instead of just feeding the noise that most fan forums devolve into,” says McGraw. “FanDom Sports gets them engaged, and better yet, keeps them coming back.”

FanDom Sports lives and breathes on the engagement around these sensational debate topics. To keep fans coming back, the developers have built in constantly evolving forums that promise topics with up to the moment currency.

The model is already winning enthusiastic support with sports fans. But this is only the beginning!.

Beyond sports debate

Sports debate may be FanDom Sports’ domain at the moment, but the unique interaction forum can be infinitely scaled.

“The original idea was much broader,” says McGraw. “But you can’t boil the ocean — we had to narrowcast our focus to see if the format worked.” McGraw doesn’t rule out expanding the format into other arenas that naturally draw debate — politics, religion, fitness, for example.

It’s too early to say, but there is a fundamental truth that foreshadows FanDom Sports’ ascendance where other social media have fallen short. “Twitter has 300 million users, but they’re failing because people don’t know what to do with it. They throw their thoughts into the ether, and have no real way of building a structured case. There simply isn’t enough structure, feedback or a way to separate the noise from the signal,” says McGraw.

The FanDom Sports platform resolves this issue. In essence, it’s a Social Sports Network 2.0 — highly interactive, endlessly new, but carefully curated to cut out the noise and unproductive interactions.

Will it work? McGraw is quick to point out that prognostications are pointless. “Things are evolving quickly in this landscape. FanDom Sports is a more enlightened, entertaining way to interact with your tribe. Will it get to 300 million users like Twitter? Only if we continue to listen to our fans, and offer up exactly what they’re looking for.”

“At the end of the day, this is just a cool way for sports fans to interact that’s social, fun and engaging. For a real sports fan, that’s a touch down. FanDom Sports is the new healthy addiction for the ultimate sports fan.”