Supreme Court Struggles to Apply Robocall Ban in Facebook Case

Dec 8, 2020


(Bloomberg) -- U.S. Supreme Court justices struggled to apply a decades-old federal ban on robocalls as they considered whether to allow a lawsuit accusing Facebook Inc. of sending repeated unwanted text messages.The 80-minute argument indicated that several justices read the 1991 law as not applying to calls or texts that go to a wrong number, as Facebook says may have happened in its case. Other justices suggested they were simply frustrated by the task of making sense of an ambiguous statute enacted long before Facebook existed or mobile phones were in widespread use.”Don’t you think it’s rather odd that we are applying a statute that’s almost anachronistic if not vestigial to a modern technology like Facebook and instant messaging, et cetera?” Justice Clarence Thomas asked. “Don’t you think that at some point, there’s at least a sense of futility?”

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