The Best Places That Travelers With a Sweet Tooth Should Visit

Nov 29, 2019


(Bloomberg) -- At Bloomberg Pursuits, we love to travel. And we always want to make sure we’re doing it right. So we’re talking to globe-trotters in all of our luxury fields—food, wine, fashion, cars, and real estate—to learn about their high-end hacks, tips, and off-the-wall experiences. These are the Distinguished Travel Hackers.

Dylan Lauren is the scion of fashion royalty, the daughter of mogul Ralph. She didn’t succumb to the calorie-phobic regimen so common to that world; rather, she’s made a career out of indulgences. The first of her namesake Candy Bars, inspired by a childhood obsession with Willy Wonka, opened on New York’s Upper East Side in 2001; it’s now grown to a chain of more than 20 locations that sells 7,000-plus tooth-aching treats. The newest outpost for her empire is a soon-to-open Dylan’s Candy Bar at Waikiki Beach in Hawaii. Lauren travels regularly between her locations, trying to stick with her favorite airline, JetBlue, for the free snacks and, of course, the chocolate chip cookies. Every year she logs about 85,000 miles at 30,000 feet.Lauren lives in New York City with her husband, Paul, their two children, and a rescue dog, Jersey.Pack a few powders inside that carry-on

I love candy, and I tend to get a little stressed when I travel, and I found I wasn’t eating healthfully. So I created a diet survival kit, which consists of mini Ziplock bags. I have some Laird superfood creamer powder by Laird Hamilton and Gabrielle Reece. I love checking out the local coffee shops [when I travel], but I try to avoid soy, dairy, and nuts, so I carry this product with me to ensure I can enjoy the coffee the way I like to prepare it. It’s got somewhat of a functional use. It helps your brain boost. I guess it has MCT [medium-chain triglyceride] properties. And I usually take EBoost, which is a powdered form of natural energy, with green tea extract; it comes in lots of different flavors. For me, it just really kills jet lag and it makes my mind really smart and clean. I also have Emergen-C, which is another powder that has electrolytes: By sweetening my water, I end up drinking more of it—they say flying is drying, after all. And I have a bag of vanilla-flavored protein powder, too. Much as I love my candy, I like to make sure I have protein, but people look at you [strangely] if you bring eggs onto an airplane.Try an all-natural, in-room alternative to AmbienMy guilty pleasure when I travel is an in-room massage, at night. I remember the first time I did it. I’d flown to Seattle, and it was 8:30pm—I went to sleep straight afterwards. I’m not a spa-goer [usually] but I get so tired after a massage.  Don’t be afraid to ask for one in your room, because it will help you get to sleep better than anything.Skip the fancy bottled water in your minibar—it’s probably free elsewhere in the hotel 

My biggest peeve is when hotels don’t give you free water and charge you $8 or whatever for a tiny bottle. So my trick, especially in fancier hotels that might charge, is to go to the gym. Sometimes, they’ll have free water in the fridge there, so I stock up on that.These are the best places for sweet-toothed traveler to book a tripJapan has really interesting candy, made with bean paste or mung beans or chestnuts; it’s all very traditional  and natural, and they package it so beautifully. Try Yokan by Toraya, which is one of the oldest makers of Japanese candy. And it’s funny, but I don’t really eat chocolate a lot—I’m not a “chocolate person.” But I’ll go to London, and I love the Cadbury Creme Eggs there—they’re so much better. And Hotel Chocolat has interesting stuff, like chocolate bark. And in Australia, I love the licorice there. It’s like licorice, but there are more fruity flavors like strawberry, mango, and lemon.Treat taxiing time on a plane as a chance to center yourself

While you’re grounded—and frustrated—for that 20 minutes before the plane takes off, I’ve learned to meditate. I mean, if your flight’s delayed, and you’re grounded, and you don’t have cell service, it’s a good time. I took a four-day seminar with David Lynch. My mind can tend to move around fast, and I wanted something to clear my head that was quick. I find transcendental meditation very helpful; other [kinds] you need to not hear anybody, and it’s kinda impossible. I do a 20-minute meditation you can do anywhere: You just sit there, close your eyes, and you have a mantra you just repeat to block out other thoughts and sounds. I literally do that, and I’m energized and un-frustrated for the rest of the flight. Right after, it’s as if I slept all night. Safeguard against emergencies with a couple quick snapshots I’ve been with people who’ve either lost their passport or had their purse stolen randomly or they left their wallet at a restaurant. So I keep a Xerox of my passport and my license or ID—a picture on your phone is good. I was in London with my COO at the time, and she was in the Tube station, and somehow her passport was stolen out of her bag. The next day we had to go to the American Embassy [to sort], and it literally took the whole day, waiting on line. It was just a pain.She carries not one but two balls on every long trip

A trainer told me to take two balls with me when I travel, and it’s been a game changer for me in terms of making long trips more bearable and comfortable. One is a rubber bouncy balls that you use when you play jacks, little and red. It’s for reflexology, and I roll it under my feet. When you’re traveling you can be walking all day, and it’s helpful. I just used it while I was sitting in the car after going hiking in Colorado. And the other is a tennis or lacrosse ball to use on your back, going up and down. My muscles and sciatic nerve start to tense up from sitting for long trips, but if I sit on a ball, under my glutes, or roll my feet on it, it helps break up the lactic acid, stimulates blood, chi, and oxygen flow and actually gives me more energy to overcome jet lag and weariness. It spaces out the bones. Plus, it helps pass the time and eliminates having to find a random massage parlor along the way.

To contact the author of this story: Mark Ellwood in New York at

To contact the editor responsible for this story: James Gaddy at

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