U.S. Hispanic Women's Earnings on Rise: Demographic Trends

Jul 17, 2018


(Bloomberg) -- The aggregated weekly earning power of Hispanic women surpassed $5 billion for the first time last quarter.

Calculations by Bloomberg are based on a wage bill that multiplies median weekly earnings by race or ethnicity by the total number of workers. White women made $31.3 billion per week in the second quarter, African-American women earned $4.97 billion, and Asian women made $3.2 billion.

  • Also see government data

Median weekly earnings of both Hispanic men and women totaled $674 in the second quarter compared to $683 for blacks and $907 for whites working full-time. Asians led at $1,083 per week. In aggregate, white men led all groups by earning $50 billion per week.

The median weekly earnings of full-time male workers has been little changed over the last three decades, adjusted for inflation. At the same time, weekly pay for women working full-time increased about 17 percent. Even so, women’s real median weekly earnings are about $73 less than men.

To contact the reporter on this story: Alex Tanzi in Washington at atanzi@bloomberg.net

To contact the editors responsible for this story: Kristy Scheuble at kmckeaney@bloomberg.net, Vincent Del Giudice

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