Want to punch Martin Shkreli in the face? Here’s how you can win a chance to do just that

Sep 28, 2016


Martin Skhreli – the hedge fund manager and former pharmaceutical executive who came under fire for jacking up prices of a lifesaving malaria drug by more than 5,000 per cent – is now giving his critics a chance to smack him in the face.

Skhreli, who currently faces federal securities fraud charges in the U.S., said on Twitter this week that people donating to a fundraiser would be added to a raffle for the chance to "slap/punch" him.

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The money raised in the fundraiser will go to the family of Skhreli's public relations consultant, Mike Kulich, who died following a battle with cancer. Skhreli said Wednesday he'd match the amount donated.

There may be many reasons why people may donate money for the chance to punch the “pharma bad boy.” The 33-year-old was the subject of major public backlash last year, after his company Turing Pharmaceuticals hiked up the prices of Daraprim, a drug used to treat a parasitic infection, from US$13.5 to US$750.

Shkreli also insulted music fans after purchasing the sole copy of an album by hip hop group Wu-Tang Clan for US$2 million, claiming he had no plans to listen it. Wu-Tang had auctioned off the album with the stipulation that it couldn’t be resold.

Earlier this week Shkreli posted an eBay listing offering the chance to hit him to the highest bidder, but it was later removed.