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Sweden Announces Increased Health Care Funding in 2025 Budget


Protective cladding on the exterior of the ER entrance of Ostra Hospital in Gothenburg, Sweden, on Sunday, Dec 20, 2020. Sweden's Prime Minister Stefan Lofven has promised to fix the societal flaws exposed by the coronavirus once the nation has emerged from the pandemic. Photographer: Fredrik Lerneryd/Bloomberg (Fredrik Lerneryd/Bloomberg)

(Bloomberg) -- Sweden’s government announced new measures totaling more than 3 billion kronor ($293 million) to strengthen the country’s health-care system, which will be included in a 2025 budget bill set to be submitted later this month. 

The funding includes a 2 billion-krona contribution to local governments that are in charge of health care, and brings total health-care measures in next year’s budget to 18 billion kronor, Health Care Minister Acko Ankarberg said at a news conference in Stockholm on Friday.

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