
Gabriel Galipolo Set to Become Brazil’s Next Central Bank Chief


Gabriel Galipolo (Arthur Menescal/Photographer: Arthur Menescal/Bl)

(Bloomberg) -- President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva is expected to name Gabriel Galipolo as the next head of the central bank, O Globo reports, without saying how it obtained the information.

The announcement of Galipolo, the bank’s director of monetary policy, will be made next month, according to the newspaper. 

Current chief Roberto Campos Neto suggested the timing to Finance Minister Fernando Haddad, saying that if the announcement were made too far in advance, power inside the bank would be divided before the end of his term later this year, the report says. Waiting until the end of the year, meanwhile, would make the transition difficult.

Lula’s communications office did not immediately reply to a request for comment.

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