(Bloomberg) -- Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro says he “has proof” that he won the first round of the country’s 2018 presidential election.

“In my understanding, there was fraud” in the election, Bolsonaro said in a video posted late Monday by local TV Record on Twitter. Record TV didn’t specify where the speech was recorded.

The Brazilian leader is currently in Florida, where he met with President Donald Trump over the weekend. Bolsonaro didn’t present proof of any election fraud, saying that he’ll share that “soon.”

Late last month, Bolsonaro stirred up political tensions in Brazil by sharing a video via social media urging his supporters to turn out for nationwide pro-government and anti-congress rallies on March 15. Bolsonaro, who won the presidency after a runoff vote following the inconclusive first-round ballot, has repeatedly called for Brazil to drop electronic voting system and bring back paper ballots.

The Presidency didn’t immediately reply to request for comment.

--With assistance from Rachel Gamarski and Murilo Fagundes.

To contact the reporter on this story: Julia Leite in Sao Paulo at jleite3@bloomberg.net

To contact the editors responsible for this story: Daniel Cancel at dcancel@bloomberg.net, Walter Brandimarte

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