One of BlackBerry's most famous users, U.S. President Barack Obama, has retired the phone in favour of Apple's iPhone. But he didn't sound too happy about the move. 

In an interview with late night talk show host Jimmy Fallon, President Obama explained how in the interest of security, his new smartphone had been "dumbed" down for security purposes, rendering the device unable to take photos, send texts and even play music.

"Does your three-year-old have one of those play phones?," Obama asked Fallon. "It's got, like, the stickers on it….That's the phone I've got."

Back in 2013, Obama said he was not allowed to have an iPhone for “security reasons.”

Obama was touted as the first "high-tech" president to enter the oval office, often shown with his BlackBerry. In 2014, he reportedly walked off a helicopter before take-off and ran back into the White House just to retrieve his BlackBerry device.

In 2008 BlackBerry controlled more than half the U.S. smartphone market. Today the Waterloo-based company controls less than one per cent of the market.