(Bloomberg) -- Police began arresting people in the grounds of New Zealand’s parliament in Wellington on Thursday as a protest against pandemic restrictions inspired by similar events in Canada entered its third day.

More than 50 protesters had been arrested by late morning in the nation’s capital, according to a police statement. They face charges including trespass and obstruction, and are forbidden to return to the site.

“A number of protesters are refusing repeated requests to leave the precinct,” said Superintendent Corrie Parnell. “We continue to acknowledge people’s rights to protest, however those who behave unlawfully will face arrest.”

A small crowd of protesters remain at the parliament grounds, singing and listening to speeches, with a large number of police facing them. Many of the people have spent two nights of their protest in tents, while others have illegally parked cars and campervans in nearby streets.

On Tuesday, about 2,000 people descended on the city in cars and trucks, disrupting traffic and attempting to mimic the truckers who have gridlocked the Canadian city of Ottawa. The convoy was timed to coincide with parliament reconvening for the year and was similar to the one held in the Australian capital of Canberra on Monday. 

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said Thursday it is time for the protesters to move on, Television New Zealand reported. 

“It is not unusual to have protest activity at parliament, that is part of our democracy,” Ardern told reporters, according to the broadcaster. “But we do need to make sure that we keep that balance with people being able to live their lives, particularly those who live in the Wellington region.”

More than 94% of New Zealanders aged 12 and over are fully vaccinated against Covid-19 and the country is currently rolling out booster shots as the omicron variant slowly begins to take hold in the community. 

The government has imposed vaccine mandates on a variety of industries and employees, including health workers, teachers and police. People are also required to show proof of vaccination to enter most hospitality outlets and public buildings.

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