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Around the world, a pattern has emerged that is making workers nervous: People are living longer, but governments are running out of money to support their retirements. 

French President Emmanuel Macron has proposed raising the official retirement age from 62 to 64 by 2030. The proposal has riled many citizens and people have protested a possible delay to their pension. Meanwhile, in the US, some Republicans are toying with raising the Social Security age for full benefits, arguing people want to work longer. 

Today we take a closer look at the future of retirement around the world. Nancy Cook, a senior national political correspondent, and Ben Sills, managing editor for European politics and economy, join to talk about the latest out of France and the US.

Australian pensions correspondent  Amy Bainbridge and Ainsley Thomson, personal finance editor based in New Zealand, join Wes along with  Emily Cadman, the Senior Editor for Asia hub, to discuss global trends around retirement and pensions.

Read more: How a Good Retirement Risks Becoming Just for the Privileged

This podcast is produced by the Big Take Podcast team: Supervising Producer: Vicki Vergolina, Senior Producer: Kathryn Fink, Producers: Mo Barrow, Rebecca Chaisson, Michael Falero and Federica Romaniello, Associate Producers: Sam Gebauer and Zaynab Siddiqui. Sound Design/Engineers: Raphael Amsili and Gilda Garcia.

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