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Pattie Lovett-Reid

Chief Financial Commentator, CTV


With a rising senior population in Canada now outnumbering children for the first time, there is more pressure on the health care system than ever before. We are likely going to hear more about 'connected care technology' for improving treatment of medical issues. The challenge, according to a survey by Philips Canada, is we just don’t know enough about what’s available to help Canadians spend more time away from a hospital.

Connected care technology, like remote blood and heart monitors, mobile health apps and wearable fitness devices, are seen as a ways to improve care to help people take better control of their health. But it is so much more than that. Integration from prevention to diagnosis to treatment will result in massive improvement in the healthcare system. Philips says that means remote monitors, health care professionals and medical departments are connected and sharing information and data on an individual’s health.

Here are some more interesting findings from the Philips survey:

  • Almost all Canadians – 92 per cent – would rather be healthy than rich.
  • Canadians believe in our health care system, 61 per cent say it meets their needs and 64 per cent trust the system
  • Men are more likely than women to believe the current healthcare system is meeting their needs (66 per cent vs. 57 per cent)

Those ages 18-34 (38 per cent) are more likely to believe the healthcare system is integrated than those 35-54 (25 per cent) and 55+ (20 per cent)
Those in Ontario are most likely to believe the health system is integrated (31 per cent) while Manitoba and Atlantic Canada the least likely (18 per cent, respectively)

Bottom line: Connected care is critical to effectively manage a person’s health, both inside and the hospital and at home. We are going to hear a lot more about 'smart hospitals.'