(Bloomberg) -- A remote interview with Elon Musk at a major technology conference in Paris was halted for several minutes after the feed of him at the event went dark, marking yet another Musk appearance disrupted by technological glitches.  

“I’m sorry,” said Maurice Levy, the chairman of advertising agency Publicis Groupe SA who was moderating the Viva Technology event and was left to fill the void without a subject to interview. The disruption wasn’t artificial intelligence, Levy joked, “It is Elon Musk who has to learn how to use a computer.”

The connection was eventually restored with Musk, who said he was tuning in remotely in order to attend his son’s graduation. Streamed interviews of Musk have become notoriously glitchy. Just last month, the audio of a live conversation between him and Nicolai Tangen, chief executive officer of Norges Bank Investment Management, cut out multiple times. 

Read More: Musk’s Talk With $1.6 Trillion Fund CEO on X Repeatedly Cuts Out

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