(Bloomberg) -- Hawaiian Electric Industries Inc. says it isn’t legally responsible for the devastating fire last year that razed the historic town of Lahaina — it was Maui County’s fault.

The embattled utility alleged in a counter-suit Friday in Hawaii state court that the local government caused the catastrophe by neglecting overgrown vegetation, failing to properly plan for an emergency and “by fumbling the emergency response” to the Aug. 8 blaze.

State and federal investigators have yet to determine what caused the fire that killed 101 people and caused more than $5.5 billion in damages.

Hawaiian Electric has acknowledged that its equipment started a small blaze near the town on the morning of the fire, but it says firefighters who reported extinguishing the blaze abandoned the site, where another fire ignited in the afternoon and quickly spread into Lahaina.

Read More: Maui Fire Officials Defend Response to Deadly Lahaina Blaze

“If the second fire was a rekindling of the Morning Fire, that was the direct result of the County’s lack of preparedness, poor emergency process, and deliberate, reckless decision to leave the vicinity of the first fire,” lawyers for the utility wrote.

Hawaiian Electric faces dozens of lawsuits by fire victims’ families accusing it of negligence because the utility didn’t turn off the power despite forecasts of wildfire risk. Maui County also sued the utility, claiming it failed to properly prepare equipment for the threat of wildfires.

Maui County’s Corporation Counsel couldn’t be reached for comment outside regular business hours.

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