(Bloomberg) -- Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the 85-year-old leader of the Supreme Court’s liberal wing, was hospitalized early Thursday morning after falling in her office and breaking three ribs, the Supreme Court said in a statement.

The statement said Ginsburg had been admitted for "observation and and treatment."

"Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg fell in her office at the court last evening," the statement said. "She went home, but after experiencing discomfort overnight, went to George Washington University Hospital early this morning."

Ginsburg, a two-time cancer survivor, is likely to miss a formal ceremony Thursday morning at the court for new Justice Brett Kavanaugh, President Donald Trump’s second high court appointee. Trump and his wife, Melania, are expected to attend the investiture, as the ceremony is known.

Ginsburg has become an iconic figure among liberals, earning the affectionate nickname "Notorious RBG" and becoming the focus of two major movies. She is known for her slight physical stature, rigorous workout routines and pointed opinions.

To contact the reporter on this story: Greg Stohr in Washington at gstohr@bloomberg.net

To contact the editors responsible for this story: Joe Sobczyk at jsobczyk@bloomberg.net, Laurie Asséo

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