(Bloomberg) -- Trading in Chinese stocks soared past 900 billion yuan ($135 billion) and to the most since 2015 on Monday, as the country’s equities headed for their biggest gains in years, buoyed by trade talks with the U.S.

Turnover on China’s exchanges totaled 944 billion yuan as of 2:37 p.m. local time, nearly three times the daily average over the past year through Friday. That came as the CSI 300 Index headed for a bull market, following in the steps of the ChiNext gauge.

The CSI 300 Index surged 5.8 percent, its biggest gain since September 2015, while the ChiNext jumped 5.3 percent. The Shanghai Composite Index added 5.5 percent, also the best daily gain since September 2015.

To contact the reporter on this story: Will Davies in Hong Kong at wdavies13@bloomberg.net

To contact the editors responsible for this story: Richard Frost at rfrost4@bloomberg.net, Philip Glamann

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