(Bloomberg) -- Ukrainian forces carried out attacks around Kursk with drones to strike a building used by Russia’s domestic security services, Ukrainska Pravda reported, citing a source in Ukrainian military intelligence.

Two Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles were shot down over the Belgorod and Kursk regions, Russia’s Defense Ministry said in a Telegram post.

A second ship carrying Ukrainian grain reached Turkey through the Black Sea, France 24 reported Sunday, despite threats by Russia to attack Ukrainian ships trying to make the voyage. 

A high-profile Russian critic of the Ukraine war, Vladimir Kara-Murza, was moved to a maximum security prison in Siberia and placed in isolation, the BBC reported, citing his lawyers. He was sentenced in April to 25 years for treason, after giving a speech in the US critical of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. 

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov called Ukrainian proposals for restoring its pre-invasion territory “unrealizable” and said that if Ukraine’s allies want war, they can have it. “If you insist on the battlefield, OK, let’s decide it on the battlefield,” Lavrov said at a news conference in New York. Lavrov also said there was little hope of reviving a deal to allow for the export of Ukrainian grain through the Black Sea. 

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