(Bloomberg) --

The top US commander in the Middle East said he’s “very concerned” about a possible Turkish incursion into Kurdish—controlled parts of Syria, warning such a move might mean the release of Islamic State prisoners.

“Anything we can do to deescalate the situation and prevent that incursion by the Turks would be important,” General Michael E. Kurilla, head of the Pentagon’s Central Command, told reporters. He said an incursion could result in Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces soldiers abandoning their watch over 28 prisons that hold Islamic State prisoners.

Central Command has responsibility over US troops in Syria. Kurilla said the US commitment to the region shouldn’t be measured by boots on the ground, but on “the strength of our partnership.” He cited the increased use of unmanned systems, especially at sea, as a sign of the US commitment. 

Late last month, the US warned Turkey against a new military campaign into Syria, saying that some recent air strikes had posed a threat to US personnel working with Syrian partners. The Pentagon has said a cross-border attack by Turkey could undercut the operation by US-allied Kurdish forces against jihadists, a top priority for the US in Syria.

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